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Private ACT Prep at GLC

Private ACT Prep 

Private ACT Prep can be the perfect option for many families that have diverse needs. Private tutoring has both scheduling and content flexibility, so it’s a popular choice for students with busy schedules or students that need a more customized prep program. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule private sessions?
Call our email a local office director to schedule Private ACT sessions. The office director can provide scheduling options, recommendations on the appropriate timing, and advice on the best instructor fit for your child. Most families will schedule one or two sessions weekly.

How does GLC choose the instructor for my child’s private session(s)?
We take three things into account when selecting an instructor for the sessions. First, we know it’s crucial to find an instructor with the best teaching style for a particular student’s learning style. We know that some students work better with a more structured teacher, while others work better with a more laid-back teaching style. Second, we take into account the specific score goals for a student. If a student needs to focus only on the Reading section, for example, we would pair them with a strong verbal instructor to best meet the student’s needs. Third, we consider scheduling constraints for both the student and instructor. 

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SAT and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which is not affiliated with Georgetown Learning Centers.
ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which is not affiliated with Georgetown Learning Centers.